L. Knyer's Lore - Chapter I : The Death of L. Knyer Parents
This history begins when L. Knyer had 15 years old ,she suffered constant bullying due her red tail , but she was not giving a fu** about. Therefore , about other matters , she thought that her life was too easy ,She lived in the capital ;an ancient city ,of the planet Irxave

, located in the most inhabitated area of the Milky Way , only with four planetary systems .with her parents ; Wyrell was her father , the friend of the City Major and the Consul , he was an eartling human with plenty dominion of ki power . and Kinoko was Knyer s mother , a saiyan descending from Planet Vegeta survivors colony, located in another Galaxy . However as time was passing, by and that Galaxy was full of Saiyans. Kinoko one day decided to explore the universe , alone and she was reaching a new world ,located by an extremely advanced tecnology soon she was meeting the locals ,but unfortunatly her tecnology was unable to get the proper maintenance and her Galaxy trace was completly lost, but at least she was safe . Kinoko was considering that her homeworld would be soon sending a recogning fleet ,or marking the Via Lactea as a danger zone in quarantine.

So few days later she was feeling deeply lost in an unknow world , but at least she was comunicating with signal sucessfully so soon she was learning the local languaje, and one of her first questions , months later ,was about the world of her ancestors The Planet Vegeta She soon was discovering the link between eartlings and humans but she was looking for even more info ,then she went to the museums , stores , anything but assinsting to the university ,then she was graduating five years later and living a normal life . So one day she meet Wyrell in a political event . She was concerning about the rulers of that world and the comercial relations with the closest habitable planets , incluiding earth hardly they were on a date one week later , months later they visited earth to learn about the legendary heroes , specially the Prince of Saiyans , and the earthling Saiyan Goku , also they saw the elder movie of the strongest erthling , Hercule and how he "saved" earth from a unknow entity that had a roach looking ; and a couple of years later they were married and had the honeymoon under the red moonligth of of Tryadium one of the four satelite of planet Irxave ; and finally one day they got a baby in 8/7/2209, one inussual ,with a red tail . So Kinoko was expecting for a tailed baby but just like her , with a brown tail or none at all . besides it was not mattering after few days pass
But the life of Knyer was about to change drastically for ever Her father was suspecting of the Consul , so by colecting clues he found that those were leading to the Governor steps A total disaster was aproaching , because the closest planet , Krovadir , was about to have the visit of the Universe Prime Minister , exactly in the next two weeks So Wyrell was amused about the meeting and he decide to investigate the City of the event , Kinoko was interested on visit the Theather but also the ancient ruins around the sea of golden sand sorrounding the city limits, and to the valleys The happy family knew how to fly ,and Knyer was participating in the tournament seasons , so actually the Planet Irxave had human with a Saiyan heritage , but pretty diluided . They decided to stay ,but sadly Wyrell was betrayed by his Consul friend ,soon the Governor knew that he was under an investigation and was sending some assassins , but they failed misserably . However one of them had with his own the murder plans for the Prime Minister So Wyrell was needing to prevent a disaster and he told the truth to his wife . Kinoko was not happy at all but she was reading know books to know the kidness of the Prime Minister but the universal maps even as gigantic was like if is homeworld was missing away the coordinates even folllowing an old trace of planets pointing to the southeast , but she though that was not something important yet .
So an Universal Prime Minister , a Governor for Galaxies , a Consul for Systems and a Major for Cities but nothing for planets? So strange but she even knew about the ancient Emperor Frieza , and responsable for the Planet Vegeta anihilation. Besides ,the Galaxy Governor has power over the Military defenses and the religious order , but aparently the Gods are dead or sleeping like if they were dead. Too many misteries around Suddently an strong sound was interrupting her thoughts . Liot himself was here 20/12/2224 daylight . The Prime Minister was in curse to planet Krovadir Liot was attacking the building were Knyer and her family were staying , the building was bellow the golden sand Wyrell and Kinoko were forced to fight , Knyer was sleeping ,but some guy under the Consul orders ,was about to cut her red tail and end killed by her. Then she will find the horror ,by seeing her parents dead , in the moment when Liot kills both in front her eyes and the entire City dissapearing under the sea of sand , she will not forget the face of her nemesis.
Now living alone, wont be easy for her at all , she must raised alone . survive moving to the closest city to grow up ,and take her revenge someday ,be crying is useless ...
Fortunatly she got a new friend , a Saiyan named Generbau , and she was her best friend till ...
Years later ,at her 20 years she will be summoned by Trunks from a Dragon Balls wish in the year 850 

To defend the past history and getting stronger every day for avenge her parents at her 36 years old