God of The Chaos ,Dionysus

Name : Dionysus
Nationality: Middle East
Age : (Unknown)
Gender : Male
Armour : Divine grape wine


*Turn blood into water
* Interdimensional resurrection
* Portals of Madness

The powerful son of Zeus and an unknown woman of the middle east.  He replaced Hestia's place in the Olympus.  

Discarted blooded weapon

DB XV2 version

Old SSSS version


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Instalación de mods en Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul

Casus Belli: Ragnarok

Saint Seiya (XV2)

Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul

Saint Seiya Soldier' Soul Mod Studio is a place where you can find several mods created by many authors, incluiding me. With mods you can play with new characters skins that aren't present in the main game.

Saint Seiya SS - Mod Studio