Goddess Queen Hera

Name : Hera
Nationality :Denmark
Age : (Unknown)
Gender :Female
Armour : Divine Peacock
Armour material: Kamui


* Nemesis scepter

She was taken and raised as a step sister of Zeus
And were inside the prison of time along Poseídon and Hades. Till Zeus,Who was saved by Gea rescued them. 
Both married and she was his always jellous Queen.  Ares and Haephestus are her sons

Hera´s Kamui et Nemesis Queen scepter


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Instalación de mods en Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul

Casus Belli: Ragnarok

Saint Seiya (XV2)

Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul

Saint Seiya Soldier' Soul Mod Studio is a place where you can find several mods created by many authors, incluiding me. With mods you can play with new characters skins that aren't present in the main game.

Saint Seiya SS - Mod Studio