The interdimensional invader (crossover)
The interdimensional invader.
???: Uh, what is this place?Where am I? Glover : - Found you ... Excuse me, my name is Glover and certainly you shouldn't be here. ???: - Hi. I'm Erika. Now just tell what's going on. Glover: - Ms Erika you are in another dimension. Unfortunately my command center was destroyed... Jmmm In resume my job is to protect several dimensions, but something is not okay. Erika: -Then now what?Glover: -First we need to find a safe place. Please, Ms Erika, follow me. Erika: - What's that vehicle, how is that it can fly? Muten Roshi: - So director Glover you found our unexpected visitor. Glover: That's right. Is a woman.
Muten Roshi: Je, je a woman you say? Glover: - Erika. please, come here.
Erika: - So, you're Muten Roshi? NIce to meet you, Im Erika.
Muten Roshi: - Ahhh. You're so pretty uh? Erika: - Excuse me? Muten Roshi: - Eje ... Sorry , I heard from director Glover that you came from another dimension. Erika: Please look to my eyes ... Yes, it seems. Muten Roshi: - Jeee, whatever, we need to find what's going on. Bulma should be on his way. Please wait for her. Wanna go swiming? Erika: No. I'm okay.
Bulma: - Don't worry, Erika we will find what's happening. Erika: This old man tried to touch me two times then I punched him in the face. Bulma: He never changed, well done ...
So the kai of time will be reset the timeline as long we learn what's going on and we take her out from here. Shiryu: - So do you want me to protect her? Glover: -That's right.
Galena: - Grand Master Arles. I know that you're one the best villains in your dimension. I need you to defeat Dragon Shiryu.